
Comprehensive Eye Examination
Primary eye care is the provision of appropriate, accessible, and ffordable care that meets patients’ eye care needs in a comprehensive & competent manner. Promary eye care provides the patient with the first contact for eye care as well as a lifetime of continuing care.
Some services to choose in

01-Refraction Screening
Refraction is an eye exam that measures a person's prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses.
02-Cataract Screening
Your eye will be examined with a slit beam of light. This examination is performed for cataract grading.
03-Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
A test to check for eye problems caused by diabetes
04-Fundus Assessment
Visualization of the retina can provide lots of information about a medical diagnosis.
05-Cornel Assessment
A corneal evaluation is a detailed examination of the cornea to make sure the eye is getting the proper amount of oxygen.
06-Retinal Assessment
Evaluation of the back of your eye, including retina, optic disk and the layer of blood vessels that nourish the retina.
07-Eye Muscle Assessment
To evaluate any weakness, or other defect in the extraocular muscles which results in uncontrolled eye movements.
08-Lazy Eyes Treatment
Eye doctors block the stronger eye in order to train the brain to start recognizing the image from the amblyopic or lazy eye.
09-Colour Vision Test
A color vision test is used for meaduring color vision against a standard. These tests are most often used to diagnose color vision deficiencies.
- We are Open every day From 10:00AM To 9:30PM
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